This morning, when I stepped on the scale, I wanted to scream in frustration and defeat! I wanted a BIG weight loss day so badly!! I have an event in just a couple weeks that I’ve been working toward. I did 4 - yes 4! - workouts yesterday! I drank over a gallon of water. I’ve been getting more than 7 hours of sleep more consistently. I ate SO many veggies yesterday and was mindful of any sodium added. I’ve been reducing the stress around me and practicing more deep breathing. How?? Why?? What could I have done differently!?!! Ahhhh, I told myself... “Take a deep breath Elizabeth. Now, just go do a workout with Elise Joan Fitness (online) and see if being mindful, getting curious, and gentle exercise will help you see this morning reframed.” Elise asked me (because she’s always talking just to me during a workout, we have so many fabulous, deep 'conversations' 😉), “Are you in alignment with who you truly are? Life gets frustrating, but when we live from the heart and not the head we stay true to who we really are." Last night in my Master’s Health and Wellness certification class we were studying about “What is your ‘Why’?”, and who do I want to be more than anything? My answer— to serve with love. My family. My God. My friends. My clients. The random stranger in need. To serve myself with love. Ah-ha. There it was. There was all my thoughts and feelings reframed. Compassion. Empathy. Understanding. This is in alignment with who I am. So I will move forward today not feeling defeated. Not discouraged. Not frustrated. Today I am stronger than I have been in a long while. I am caring for my body with grace and understanding. I am giving it the space it needs when it’s sore and tired. Then pushing it harder when I think it can handle the challenge. I am nourishing my body, mind and spirit with love. I am living in gratitude for the gift of a strong, healthy body, and the knowledge of how to properly take care of that gift. How are you living in alignment? Yours may be different then mine. That’s ok! Decide how you will be true to who you are today. Live from the heart and you’ll be living in alignment with who you truly are my friends. ~ Elizabeth Guiding You to Living a Nourished Life
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