Throughout Dr. Smithson's extensive medical career and prior to Elizabeth obtaining her master health and wellness coaching certifications, guiding individuals toward achieving and maintaining enduring wellness posed a considerable challenge. However, with the profound knowledge gained from the impactful and life-changing effects of the 6 Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine, our patients, clients, and even our own family have experienced remarkable transformations. |
I'm curious. How does the A Nourished Life coaching program
help me with the 6 Pillars of lifestyle medicine? |
Extensive scientific evidence supports the use of a whole-food, predominantly plant-based diet as an important strategy in prevention of chronic disease, treatment of chronic conditions and in intensive therapeutic doses, reversal of chronic illness. Such a diet is rich in fiber, antioxidants, and nutrient dense. Choose a variety of minimally processed vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.
Regular and consistent physical activity combats the negative effects of a sedentary life. It is important that adult engage in both general physical activity as well as purposeful exercise weekly as part of overall health and resiliency. What is the best physical activity for you? The one you will do!
Stress can lead to improved health and productivity - or it can lead to anxiety, depression, obesity, immune dysfunction and more. Helping individuals recognize negative stress responses, identify coping mechanisms and reduction techniques leads to improved wellbeing.
Use of tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption have been shown to increase the risk of chronic diseases and death. Treatments often take time, different approaches and many attempts. Patience and support are an important part of breaking risky substance habits.
Being increasingly vigilant about harmful substances present in our water, soil, and consequently, our food has become crucial. Microplastics, pesticides, hormones, fertilizers, as well as food additives and preservatives, present significant risks to our overall well-being in the long run. |
Sleep is a major part of our health. Allowing our mind, and body time to rest and repair. Sleep delays/interruptions have been shown to cause sluggishness, low attention span, decreased sociability, depressed mood, decreased deep sleep, decreased caloric burn during the day, increased hunger and decreased feeling of fullness, insulin resistance and decreased performance. Strive for 7 or more hours per night for optimal health.
Our physical, mental, and emotional well-being is influenced by positive social connections and relationships. Utilizing the strength of social networks and relationships can support the reinforcement of healthy behaviors.