![]() A client recently shared a struggle she was having, and I realized this was a struggle we all have at different times, and at different stages on our health journey. Here are some of my thoughts that I wanted to share with you, in hopes that it perhaps will help my friend, and you, and me, wherever we are on our wellness journey-- Some days I’m just not motivated. Not motivated to workout. Not motivated to track each meal, bite, lick or taste. Let’s be real, some days I’m not motivated to even open my eyes or put one foot in front of the other. The best word I can think of to describe it is, weary. I can’t find any motivation through the weariness. The thing is— we can’t rely on motivation to get us healthy. Motivation can be a jumpstart for sure. But just like a battery, when it’s left on, it eventually runs out of power. Even external rewards, such as shiny badges, a number on the scale, or the promise of a new pair of jeans doesn’t get us to the health, weight loss and ultimate healthy lifestyle we’re aiming to achieve. These external motivators become wearisome and are fleeting. What I’m learning, and suggest to you, is that lifelong wellness; mind and body health, and achieving our ideal weight range, comes from within you! You have what it takes. You have everything you need to succeed. It starts with making a promise. Is this your lifestyle or not? It’s your choice. Second, you get to decide….decide today, and every day, you are worth it. Because you are! A covenant is a two way promise. When you covenant with yourself you're making a promise that you are going to do what it takes to be the best you can be. — You promise to take thoughtful care of what you put into your mind and body. — You promise to move your body in healthy ways that strengthens, protects, balances, mobilizes and stretches. — You promise to give your mind and body the rest it both deserves and requires. — You promise to connect with others who have the same goals, ideals, desires and hopeful thoughts as you do, giving and receiving the strength to persevere. Your body, mind and spirit promise to love you in return. They promise to bless you with health, energy, and joy! Today I worked out because I've made a promise to myself. — I made a promise that my health was going to be a priority, and that I wasn’t going to miss a workout if at all possible. — I made a promise that I would only put real, whole, nourishing food into my body. — I made a promise that I would listen to or read something uplifting before anything else. Some days I approach LivingWell with excitement and creativity. Other days I approach mealtime with determination to keep my promises. Did I track my meals or workout on Christmas Day or New Years Eve? Nope! Do I feel guilty about it today? Nope! Did I workout every day last week after staying up all night working on a project for my husband’s office? Nope! Am I picking up where I left off with my normal workouts and eating on plan again today? Yes! Living a healthy lifestyle and being accountable to it with tracking tools isn’t about “when it fits my goals” or a certain number on the scale, or whatever outward appearance we are trying to achieve. It IS about allowing myself grace, a day to rest each week, or when I need it. A day now and then to renew, and the ability to still live life to the fullest. It IS about seeing our divine worth and realizing nothing you do, or don’t do, can diminish that worth. When we see and feel that, it is both freeing and so empowering! So, don’t break your promises to yourself. Your future self will thank you for it. And do allow yourself some grace. What promises are you making to yourself? ~ Coach Elizabeth
Dr. Dan Smithson &